I can't hear you, I have a banana in my ear.

I can't hear you, I have a banana in my ear.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Emma's 3!!

Emma came downstairs and found some presents for her third birthday! The video cuts off before you see the gift so I'll ease the suspense and tell you that it's a fairy house... you'd have to see it for the full effect.

We got her some fingerpaint. It seemed like a good idea in the store. She was actually not as messy as I thought she'd be but I think I'll hide it until it's warm enough to be outside and be able to hose her down ;).

Needless to say, Emma was very excited that her friends were coming to her party.

We didn't do many games or activities but we did have a pinata. It was an Olivia pinata which is one of Emma's favorite characters (other than her daddy). Each kid took a turn and pulled one red ribbon. All but one of the ribbons just pulled off the box. Lauren was the lucky one to find the right ribbon but she was a little upset because she thought she broke it. It was very cute.

I was amazed at how quickly the kids picked up on the collecting of the loot. Kaelen was the champion of picking up the candy and toys. It was fun to watch the mayhem!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Boston Children's Museum

We spent 5 fun-filled hours at the Boston Children's Museum. There was so much to see and do. Emma kept going back to this exhibit where you put golf balls in this funnel and watch it go around and around.

Who doesn't like bubbles?! Emma is a huge fan!

How many times can one spin a windmill made of spoons? Here's a small clip of what was in reality about 10 minutes.

I wish I could enjoy something as simple as a shadow as much as Emma does.