I can't hear you, I have a banana in my ear.

I can't hear you, I have a banana in my ear.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Bowling is a team effort here at our house. We don't exactly follow the standard rules but we have a good time playing!

10 in the bed

Emma is honing her acting skills. Here she is reenacting a classic... Ten in the Bed.

too much snow

Walking in snow is not easy, especially for Emma. Her boots are a little too big and she's a little too small! She held her own though. Kaelen is a snow champion!

Sledding was an adventure! Steve and Tara took Kaelen and Emma to a hill and, as the story goes, the first couple of runs (seen here) were awesome... then, a fall off the sled and a stuck foot and the fun was gone. Oh well, maybe we'll try again next year!